About Us
The Maria Montessori Preschool in Wheelers Hill has been teaching preschoolers using this unique approach to child learning for over 40 years. The Maria Montessori Preschool adheres to the following principles and approaches in the education of preschoolers under its care:
We combine learning with play, thus making learning a joyful and spontaneous experience.
We encourage the innate creative abilities of our children through experiential learning and sensorial methods – seeing, touching, listening, smelling, tasting, dancing, singing and artwork. Specially designed equipment facilitate this process.
We provide an environment in which the child learns at his or her pace.
We give children individual attention. Personal development needs and capabilities are identified and then addressed through ways, which the child enjoys and feels encouraged.

Dr Maria Montessori
Montessori education is a unique approach to the education of preschoolers. It was first developed by an Italian lady doctor and psychologist who had a deep understanding of the physical and mental development process of children. It is based on proven scientific principles and is currently successfully used in over 100 countries worldwide.
The Montessori method is particularly noted for taking the whole child into consideration. It provides a stimulating environment, which is both challenging as well as non – threatening for the young child. It promotes child learning on a variety of planes – language, mathematics, art, culture and practical life.
Montessori pre – schools over the world form a tight – knit community of unique educators who constantly keep in touch to exchange advances in child learning and education. A continuing stream of research and publications on the Montessori method ensure that it remains responsive to the changing demands of the modern day environment.